Monday, February 10th
Thursday, February 13th
Monday, February 17th
Wednesday, February 19th
Trevor wanted to do a Project for the Chartering Organization of our Troop, Milwaukie Presbyterian Church.
The church owns all the property behind the rear parking lot that goes down toward Kellogg Lake. This area is known as the Outdoor Sanctuary. The church has been working for several years to remove invasive species of plants from all of this property.
Once the invasive plants were removed then the native plants were able to thrive. And as people started to visit the area, there were questions about the types of plants & animals found there. It was decided that some signs to label the plants would be nice.
There were some specific requirements (& restrictions) regarding what the signs could be made out of & they could not be permanently placed. So it was decided that some nice-sized, mostly flat stones with plant names painted on them could work nicely. They could be placed near the plants to label them then moved to other parts of the property or removed as needed.
Trevor decided that he wanted to use stones that were quarried locally in Oregon. He was also selective about the colors of the stones. Then he selected some nice earth-tone colors of paint to use on the stones to make the plant labels with.
They turned out very nicely!