Eagle Board of Review - What Steps are needed to get one?

These are the Steps toward an Eagle Board of Review:

  1. First, finish everything needed for the Eagle Rank
  2. Complete the Eagle Scout Application & get the needed Signatures:
    ++ Scoutmaster's signature
    ++ Committee Chair's signature
  3. Have a Scoutmaster Conference
  4. Contact & meet with the District Eagle Chair (to turn-in the Eagle Scout Application).
  5. The Eagle Scout Application will go to the Scout Office (CPC Council) to have all of the Dates & Ranks verified.
  6. Once the District Eagle Chair gets the Eagle Scout Application back, he/she will contact the Scout with available Dates to hold the Eagle Board of Review.
  7. The Scout now needs to contact the following people to figure out a Date that works with everyone for the Eagle Board:
    ++ Parent(s) of the Scout
    ++ Scoutmaster
    ++ Troop Committee Chair
    ++ Check the schedule for the Location of the Eagle Board Meeting. (This can be the Church where we meet, the Scout's Home Church, Business Conference Room, or even a Family's Home.)
  8. Communicate the 'selected' Date back to the District Eagle Chair. Then finalize the Date & Location.
  9. Communicate the 'finalized' Date & Location back to everyone previously contacted.
  10. Make sure to reserve the Location for the 'finalized' Date of the Eagle Board.
  11. Attend the Eagle Board of Review.