Monday, March 10th
Thursday, March 13th
Monday, March 17th
Wednesday, March 19th
1. Full class A for Everyone, as it is the first Monday of the month.
2. Patrol Parents need to help their Patrol Leaders with Picking a Dessert for the Patrol Dutch Oven Dessert Cook Off. Patrol Parent or the Patrol Leader can buy the supplies and bring them to the meeting. A couple of us leaders will arrive early to get briquettes going and tables setup outside. Supplies can be pre mixed at home or mixed at the troop (however we recommend you bring your own mixing bowls, utensils from home). We reimburse for the supplies so keep your receipts
3. The activities for Monday night are TTFC and wrapping up Merit badges/Bringing Eagle Packets to the meeting. We need to pick the next merit badge(s) to be worked on.
4. The Crew is welcome to join in the Patrol Dutch oven cook off!!!!